I would like to introduce my new Category, ”User Comments”

I wonder if anyone visiting my site or this blog, would be kind enough to leave a comment here. It could be suggestions for improvements to the site or anything really. You could also say how fantastic I am or tell me what you would like to stick up my pussy…that kind of thing.

I do hope you can spare the time to give me one?

Miss Hybrid

18 thoughts on “I would like to introduce my new Category, ”User Comments””

  1. hello miss manor with manners-I would say that although I luv ur writings i am more of a visual fan-so I would luv more erotica with wet pics of ur bad behaviour==thanks 4 all that U do 4 humankind 2 make our short stay here on spaceship earth so frustrating–no just kidding– so GREAT–u can tell I am Not getting layed these days–have fun scott

  2. Dear Scott,

    Thank you for that. I like your idea xx
    I am looking forward to starting out my conducted tour cam idea as well.

  3. As you well know, I’m always available to give you one.

    You are, of course, the most fantastic, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, kinky, woman it has ever been my pleasure to have been acquainted with.

    What would I like you to stick up your pussy and/or arse? Various parts of me would be favourite – fingers, tongue, cock – failing that, vibrators, dildos, your own fingers, candles, fruit, veg (nothing round and no ping pong balls), bottles, cans, tennis racquet handle, broom handle, whip handle.

    There is not much more you can offer with your fashion sense. I love to see you in stockings and suspenders (rather than tights), short skirts, see through lingerie, tight shirts, latex, leather, and nothing at all. Dressed for sexcess, is best – strict looking business woman type like the the Banker Bonus set, or Latex/Rubber showing off your great body, or even the jodhpurs that really show your arse off to perfection.

    Now look what you’ve done – Trouser tent 😀

  4. Mister L
    I am sat here at my mac, putting a gallery together of my favorite photos from “castle table dildo” I keep having to break off as my knickers are stuck to me…..I wish Katie was back.
    Your and Scotts comments have not helped on bit!
    Me xx

  5. I like to see you short skirts or dresses, with heels or boots. No knickers, bit of the upskirt thing going on, giving a peek of the piercings. PVC, denim skirts or whatever as long as they are short 🙂

    Yep, the business woman/secretary thing is good. As is gym and shower sets. I like bare legs, then stockings over tights also.

    The squirting is great.

    I’d also like to see you in a catwoman costume.

  6. Easy solution to the knickers stuck to you problem – take them off.

    But that then becomes a slide off the chair problem.

    Replace chair with sybian – All problems solved. 😀

  7. Hmmm, no further comments needed 🙂 You know you are the sexiest, horniest most perfect woman anywhere, and you’d look fantastic in a bin liner much less all your other sexy outfits……well now there’s a thought, although Debbie Harry did it before now 🙂 Rip it to shreds :0)


  8. 1BB
    Hmmm, no further comments needed 🙂 You know you are the sexiest, horniest most perfect woman anywhere, and you’d look fantastic in a bin liner much less all your other sexy outfits……well now there’s a thought, although Debbie Harry did it before now 🙂 Rip it to shreds :0)

    I dont mind being in a bin liner as long as I am still attached to my limbs. I love Debbie Harry xxxxx

  9. Easy solution to the knickers stuck to you problem – take them off.

    But that then becomes a slide off the chair problem.

    Replace chair with sybian – All problems solved.

    Mister L, you are an exceptional problem solver x

  10. I like to see you short skirts or dresses, with heels or boots. No knickers, bit of the upskirt thing going on, giving a peek of the piercings. PVC, denim skirts or whatever as long as they are short 🙂

    Yep, the business woman/secretary thing is good. As is gym and shower sets. I like bare legs, then stockings over tights also.

    The squirting is great.

    I’d also like to see you in a catwoman costume.

    I am working on this xxxx

  11. Mister Larssss

    As you well know, I’m always available to give you one.

    You are, of course, the most fantastic, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, kinky, woman it has ever been my pleasure to have been acquainted with.

    What would I like you to stick up your pussy and/or arse? Various parts of me would be favourite – fingers, tongue, cock – failing that, vibrators, dildos, your own fingers, candles, fruit, veg (nothing round and no ping pong balls), bottles, cans, tennis racquet handle, broom handle, whip handle.

    There is not much more you can offer with your fashion sense. I love to see you in stockings and suspenders (rather than tights), short skirts, see through lingerie, tight shirts, latex, leather, and nothing at all. Dressed for sexcess, is best – strict looking business woman type like the the Banker Bonus set, or Latex/Rubber showing off your great body, or even the jodhpurs that really show your arse off to perfection.

    Now look what you’ve done – Trouser tent 😀

    What a lovely message.

    I am currently trying to find my tent pole to recreate the hole experience xxxx

  12. Miss H,

    I would also like to see you as an amazonian she-warrior, or a sexy cave woman.

    Or just your sexy self bent over a pool table. If a pool table is a bit downmarket for you, you could use a snooker table instead. 🙂

  13. Miss H, Paul1975 is right. You have beautiful muscles and you should show off your fitness!

  14. Paul

    I would also like to see you as an amazonian she-warrior, or a sexy cave woman.

    Or just your sexy self bent over a pool table. If a pool table is a bit downmarket for you, you could use a snooker table instead.

    I think an old billiard table would work. xx

  15. Miss H, Paul1975 is right. You have beautiful muscles and you should show off your fitness!

    Buletica, sweetie, I am doing my best. I have been a bit lazy lately though xxxxx

  16. Only one more week til I can join Miss Hybrid’s site. Her voice is so sexy I might have to watch her videos on mute so I don’t unload right away.

  17. Mister V

    It is very kind of you to offer to join xxx

    I do hope you wont be disappointed

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