What a lot has happened in a year!
When i started the site I didn’t really have a clue about what I was doing. I have learned a lot and probably still don’t have much clue.
I have had an unbelievable year. I have had so much fun.
Thank you everyone who has joined, contributed on my blog and Various forums / review sites.
The Miss FreeOnes contest started another exciting period.
Due to the unerring support on there I was somehow voted into the top 50.
I have struck up friendships with a number amazing people. They have helped, supported and guided me. They know who they are.
The vast majority of people have been so so kind.
Thank you
Miss Hybrid xxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a fantastic year you’ve had, and here’s wisìng you many 6re of them. You thoroughly deserve your success and I look forward to seeing you go from strength to strength. XXXX
Happy 1st birthday MissHybrid.com. Where is the cake and candle? are you giving the candle a good blow?
Miss H, You’ve done a great job in only a year. Its the beginning of even greater success.
I wish you good luck onward, tho with your brains and beauty you don’t need it.
It’s hard to believe that it’s only been a year (for me, only a few months). I almost feel that I’ve known you for years. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in the future – your untiring efforts to improve your site have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.
Here’s to keeping us hard for years to cum. xxx
Happy Birthday MissHybrid.com ,Miss Hybrid you’ re site is FANTASTIC but this day it’s bad day for me my supbcriction is expired after 4 marvelous month with you but i back very coming soon Miss H you is the best beautiful and sexy women in this univers xxxxxx
Happy Site Birthday!
It looks like you’re amazed how succesfull you were. Well, you shouldn’t be!
Your combination of beautiful classy lady and sexiness is a different mix from what we are used to see in porn.
We have a word in our country “lady on the street, good housekeeper at home and bitch in bed”.
The most comments you get are from males, but I’m sure that females also like you! XXX
I agree with my fellow blog posters superbabe.
Heartest congratulations on misshybrid.com been live over the last 12 months. Time flies when you are having fun And our Hybrid has been having plenty fun Haven’t you godddess?????????-lol…
Hybrid has been the driving force behind her erotic empire on the net with her step daughter and staff members helping out . Such harmony and we have seen nothing yet.
I remember when I saw your first pic I said to myself
“Devil……you have to get to know this super hot goddess because she is going to give the Internet such a jolt no one will know whether they are coming or going”-hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
And how right I was-lol….
Even though she has the dark erotic force as her ally, Hybrid herself is a kind gentle woman.
(Cricky I could find myself in her Dungeon for saying that -lol.But I am the Devil meaning I would enjoy it-lol… If Felix is reading this, get out of there now son-lol…)But Hybrid you know the man behind the devil so you know I mean every word of praise to you kitten.
O yes one goddess anyone would be proud to know.
Hybrid it is a pleasure to know you and to lust after you my goddess.
One year down. More to come. Rock on kitten
Mister L
That is very kind of you.
I have tried hard to give people what they want…Mummy always said I put out far too easily xx
French Boy, I do hope you return before I have to come and spank you?
Buletica, well I like females too, they do taste good. I prefer to be a bitch and lady at the same time as being a slut x
Dear Mister Devil, I must admit that some time I don’t have a clue what you are talking about. This time though I do. You are very kind to say such lovely things. Do you think I should unlock the cage now?
Cricky the Devil been kind and saying lovely things?????-lol…If word like that got around, where would my sinister reputation go????????-lol….
And do not dream of unlocking this cage goddess-devilish winks to the screen…I love it in here. It is very ………………comfy in a dark sexual way.
The reason is I manage to tempt Lucy in here with me-lol…. And I have to admit to you. Hybrid you have been having dreams of you in this cage with me haven’t you????????-devilish winks
Goddess they are not dreams. You have been sleepwalking under my thrall again-lol….
Which reminds me…….Hybrid ……..Hybrid…..you are feeeling vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy slllllleeepppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-lol…….
You should be posting on my forum too.
Your comments make me piss myself xxx
Now where is Lucy?
Miss H