Once again He has surpassed even my wildest dreams, which can actually be quite wild xxx
Riccardo, what would I do without you?
Miss Hybrid
Ps Felix is feeling and behaving like a bit of a maggot as he thought he could draw. He is now sat on the floor playing with his crayons, doing a few cartoons, He has a knob deplume, I will try and remember it and post some of his drawings later, the sad little fucker.
Fuck me!
Is that a Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 in the background?
Miss Hybrid, You are my wildest dream ever!
Felix got a new laptop from Toys r’us!! Well, it’s an etch a sketch, but nobody told him
I’m standing proudly to attention for Miss Hybrid!! and I salute Riccardo!
Vim have a look at the photos I took. A fucking jet goes straight through my head xx
Larss, ok
buletica, I cant believe that xx
1BB Mwah, is that all 12 inches?
You just know it is…..:-)