Its tastefully done. It features, a cock (obviously) thigh boots, (on me) and huge pair of pert nipped boobs with the said cock sliding between.
You need to have registered and made ten posts to be able to view the video. (Adding the words hi, yes, oi, slut, slapper, tart, bitch or dyke are not posts. However, “Hybrid, I would like to bend you over and stick my cock up your arse, you dirty slut”, is a suitable post.)
Oh Hybrid, you have been giving me a harddddd time at work…wanna stick that steel in your asss so baddd
and now it keeps getting harder as i think about slapping you from behind and pulling your hair
I have recently started following you on twitter and now am hooked. You are amazing.
Dear matthew
Thank you for the lovely compliment. I do like things like that and roses, perfume, chocolate and horses x
Miss H x
Ethan, get that steel and ram it up my ass . you know I love it. Wank my hair and wank your cock
Miss HH