Felix the worm, my over-sexed PA wants to be a pro camerman, he’s always had ideas above his station (the ridiculing of his shaky footage must be getting to him) but because he is so useless I have to check everything myself. He gets so excited and given that he has a thing for panties, he started trembling as I began stuffing them … ahem, somewhere! I got great pleasure viewing the film afterward and checking my handiwork! http://www.felixtheworm.com/

There are 3 days left in Round 2 of the Miss Freeones 2011 competition. Round 3 begins on December the 16th. Please show your continued support by voting here for me http://vote4misshybrid.com/
Stuff as many as you can in for me. x
Mmmm … looking good, Miss Hybrid … VERY good …
Now to vote … xxx