32 thoughts on “I want a vote on these”

  1. For some reason, I can’t really decide! They all cause stiffness…..and I haven’t even got Arthritis….what’s going on???


  2. Ummmm, stiffness? Hell yes! And arousal…….lust…..rush of blood…..thickening…….erectivity…….glistening of the tip……self gratification……….and clean-up! lol…….(love the candlewax)

  3. My swollen member throbbed the most while looking at you in that black lace dress

  4. Hmm, the third one does cause a pretty stiff reaction, especially the picture of you bending over (pic 10, I think).

  5. Great pics…very sexy…you in stocking s always gets my vote…your boobs are looking amazing as well!!

  6. Gosh I am torn between 1 and 4, 1 for the pure exstacy of seeing you play with wax and 4 for the rawness of seeing that g-sring pulled so tight. Ok 4 is my final answer, definate stiffness

  7. I love them all and they all made very hard. Love you in the jodhpurs, then can imagine you slipping into something more comfortable when you take me in your house and then me slipping into you!!! XXXXXXXX

  8. The Jodhpur scene and sample clips made me stiff! I love the whole thing. I hope that helps Miss H

  9. The 3rd one got my jeans tight, the lady of the manor is so hot.. Need to go and release now

  10. which of these fabulous and marvelous set causes a stiffness ? but all Milady and realy a very big stiffness my goddess xxxxx

  11. I really like the second ans third set. It has a elegant sexy look to it. Love how the outfit shows your apple bottom.

  12. So basically pretty even. I best just keep on doing what I do.

    Thank you everyone who commented. I really appreciate feedback / comment xxx

    Miss Hybrid xx

  13. have to agree al the pictures of you mistress are stunning but definitely no 3 make me very stiff your slavep

  14. All sets are wonderfull, but I prefer the one with Goldheelspillar, because you wear those killer fishnets and you show off better your perfect legs!

  15. french boy I love to pee out doors but tescos were not too happy, I got pulled in front of the store manager xx

  16. hybrid by candlelight is simply amazing…it registered very highly on my stiffometer which needed to be released immediately…more of the same please hybrid…you are simply the best on the web!!


  17. Already seen these, but GoldHeelsPillarSt pic 13 blows the formentioned erect-o-meter right out.

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