3 thoughts on “Michelle getting man-handled.”

  1. I would not mind man handling Michelle -triple winks to the screen with no malice intended…. She has a super erotic side about her…The Naughty Blonde…
    Another great talent among Hybrid’s saucy staff…

  2. Hybrid….If I wink any faster I could lose my eyesight-hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….
    What am I saying???? I am the Devil. I cant lose my eyesight-devious grin….. Ooooo a billion winks to you my sex cat-mmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeoooooooowwwwwwwwww

    Yes I can see Michelle is a little lust devil from looking into her eyes..Ooooo yyyeesss she is a very naughty girl alright… . She loves the physical she is receiving from the driver… Michelle has a dark side which needs to be nuctured. She would make a very hot student.

    I would love to take on the task myself as I would have great fun instructing her.
    But if I were to do that, it might be like me undermining you my goddess since she is one of your recruites. I sense you want to instruct her yourself , in your own very intimate way.

    So congratulations Hybrid. I assign the task of been Michelle’s teacher to you my Queen….-Hhhhhaaaaaaaa

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