Miss Hybrid Free November Newsletter
Miss Hybrid free November newsletter delivered straight to your inbox.

I hope you have a fun night, whatever you decide to do. If you decide to stay in, then why not share your evening with me?
On another matter, it was my birthday on October the 26th and I would like to share a few selfies I took for my friends who spoiled me with presents. I had a lovely evening relaxing with a glass of Chablis, in front of my log fire.

Miss Hybrid
Lady Of The Manor
Click to sign up for my free monthly newsletter here.
Miss Hybrid Free Summer Newsletter

Between filming more UltraHD videos and entertaining myself with slaves (see below), I have been catching up on my erotic reading. I always dress for the part, as it adds to the buildup and excitement. Follow this link, to see more.

My new latex catsuit has finally arrived. I put it to good use on one of my members. He contacted me, asking if he could be involved in an update. He said he only had a small cock but a very good tongue, I can confirm both. Click here to have a closer look at how I use a slave for my enjoyment.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my newsletter and thank you for supporting my self run website, it is much appreciated.

Miss Hybrid Free October Newsletter

Miss Hybrid Official Milf Blog | News Of The Manor With Pictures And Movies