Thank you all for putting the disgusting messages on my Diary.
I love reading the absolute filth you write.
I am having a great time up here but internet access is poor. I will reply individually when back x
Miss H x
Ps, its a good job I wore that big stainless steel butt plug for a few days before coming up here, whoowhh….
I bet you wish that bathtub was full of spunk instead of bubbles, Miss H!
Picking up from the post after this one , Goddess if you had a identical twin sister, I would be thinking “threesome” all day and all night……The reflection in the mirror are great in that for the moment, the person reflected sees a exact double of themselves. Yeah exactly like a twin or another “them” in another reality……Of course when I see Hybrid foamed up in a hot bath with bubbles surrounding her with reflection, Ooooooooooooooooooo I get the hhhhhhhhhhharrrrrddiiiesttttt hardon-lol…..
What is this I see?????? Our goddess is having a great time in Scotland????????-lol…Do tell goddess Do tell-triple winks to the screen…..
Glad you’re having a good time…internet access may be poor, but we’re still getting your updates!!!
I hope all other access is unrestricted
Now, if you come round on your way home I’ll polish that butt plug for you !!
Would you like me to come and stoke the fire for you and cum ?? :-0