Da Daaarrrr….I’m back!

I have just walked through the door. I have left Katie up there to earn some money for her holidays.

The place here is an absolute tip and Felix is nowhere to be seen.

I will catch up and then attempt to answer all me emails and comments.

I hope you missed me x

Miss H xx

9 thoughts on “Da Daaarrrr….I’m back!”

  1. Welcome back Miss Hybrid,

    What a cracking video update….now that’s what I call a well juiced carrot 🙂


  2. I think I speak for every member, guest and fan when I say “Welcome back Hybrid”.
    I missed you goddess.
    Hope you had a great trip-smiles to the screen.

    As for the state of your mansion, you will have to unleash your wrath on them my goddess-lol….There’s going to have to be retribution for the state of the place. Sounds like Felix has done a runner.

    When Felix is apprended and returned to your presence, I think a spell in Your Erotic Majesty’s Dungeon may be in order-only messing but you know what I mean-smiles. Aaaaaaaaaaaa no, dont be too hard on them though.

  3. I humbly kneel before your gorgeous legs and I am paciently waiting for your orders….

  4. Welcome back beautiful, hope you had a good time.

    Felix was sick of his rough treatment. He has emptied your safe and has also ran off with the valubles and family treasures. He is now on a Spanish beach, sipping cocktails and smoking a cuban cigar.

  5. Paul1975

    Welcome back beautiful, hope you had a good time.

    Felix was sick of his rough treatment. He has emptied your safe and has also ran off with the valubles and family treasures. He is now on a Spanish beach, sipping cocktails and smoking a cuban cigar.

    Thank you sweetie,

    Its ok I fitted a tracing device to him while he was sleeping. He will be getting collected shortly.

  6. Dear Devil

    I know the devil makes work for idle hands…..Do you want to come here and make these idle fuckers work?

  7. Hybrid knows that this devil’s hands are never idle but I am always up to something-lol….

    In answer for Hybrid’ appeal that I pay the mansion a visit and straighten her staff out -lol…
    The answer is “Hell Yeah”=hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    I will put them working goddess-lol…

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